Hello World!

I’m thrilled to release What A Sketch, my home-made alternative to Sketch Cloud.

The Sketch Cloud service has evolved in a way that I’m not too fond of… The Sketch team has decided that all projects shared via Sketch Cloud should now also be hosted on their cloud. What a sketch! I’m used to keeping my files on my computer and just sending mockups online… I almost never work with other designers and I don’t want to work in a cloud, so all their features around collaborative work don’t interest me.

On the other hand, Sketch Cloud has some unresolved issues and some basic missing features: timeout when uploading the project with a weak connection, uploading very heavy png files only, not being able to not upload the symbols page…

So I started to think about a home-made alternative that would better fit my needs. I quickly put together a simple HTML page with a lightbox gallery, but it was really… really simple. So I thought: why not use WordPress to do this? With WordPress I could manage multiple pages, multiple galleries, add commenting and validation features, manage accounts to restrict access… I could also open this application to other designers!

So here we are, it’s just the beginning of the road, I hope the journey will be nice 🙂


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